Steph Cyr

Photos: Rachel Topham ( from Zephyrs by Justine A. Chambers)

Class Description: 
i will guide us through a warm up. i have a feeling it will include lots of crawling, so bring your knee pads.

set exercises along the floor/horizontally, as in you may be an octopus on dry land, as in 360degree slug.

set exercises that move through vertical spaces, as in uprightness (no matter how long it is sustained) is a transition between tilts, spills, falls, wilts, pours, that can be flipped upside down, as in we/the world exists at every angle.

class will marry sensation, function and poetic imagery to nurture spirals in the limbs and suppleness in the joints as fertile ground for counter-direction, gathering, releasing, traveling, furling, unfurling, agility and weight distribution across all of our surfaces.

in a most contradictory turn of events in my personal practice, there may be a big ol’ dance phrase at the end.

i’m still figuring how much to say/not say in my teaching practice. one of these classes may involve no speaking at all.

wobbling, tumbling, wandering, nonlinearity, unknowns welcome.

a space to be with and alongside with, as in we are always in relation

a practice of attention as both devotional and fickle, as in how much am i being called to stick around.

steph is a bookworm, an undercover stylist and devoted flower smeller. they are queer and a settler, living and working as a freelance artist and clinic receptionist, on the unceded and illegally occupied ancestral lands of the ḵwx̱wú7mesh, xʷməθkʷəy̓əm and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh peoples.

They've been performing, dreaming, making and collaborating in various capacities with fellow artists and friends within the local dance/arts community since 2011.